Rev. Tracey Anderson-Tellado

Rev. Tracey Anderson-Tellado
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Reverend Tracey Anderson-Tellado is an ordained minister, adjunct professor, and U.S. Air Force, veteran. She holds a Bachelor of Arts in English Literature from Wesleyan College and a Master of Divinity from Logsdon Seminary. Tracey is a doctoral student at The Interdenominational Theological Center in Atlanta, GA where she is pursuing a Doctor of Ministry degree with an emphasis on prophetic problem-solving through the utilization of decolonizing methodologies.
Rev. Tracey has previously served as a local church pastor and is currently the Moderator for the Southwest Region of the Christian Church (Disciples of Christ) as well as the convener for the region’s Racial Reconciliation Committee. As an Adjunct Faculty Member at Stark College & Seminary in Corpus Christi, Professor Anderson-Tellado teaches classes for their Certificate in Ministry program.
In the community, Rev Anderson-Tellado is part of the local ministerial alliance and has been active with the YWCA, moderating their 14th Annual Racial Justice Forum during the 2020 Martin Luther King Jr. celebration. Ever interested in the pursuit of knowledge, Tracey has been working on a Doctorate of Education, which she plans to complete after finishing the D.Min. Tracey and her husband Edward Tellado will celebrate thirty years of marriage this year. They have two adult children, BreeAnn and Brandon, and an Aussie Doodle named Noble. In her “spare time” Tracey will usually be found at Barnes & Noble with a cup of coffee and a good book.